
DHgate Return PolicyDHgate-Return-Policy

What are the Benefits?
Lower Return Shipping Fees
  • 50% – 70% lower than international shipping fees
  • 30% lower than the US Postal Service
Receive Refunds Faster
Because the returns reach us faster, we can process your refund faster. Refunds are released to you within 10 days after our local warehouse receive the returned items
Free Returns
If returns are due to quality problems, you don’t need to pay any fees for returns
Multiple Choices on Local Returns
You can select either full return or partial return of the items. The latter means you don’t need to return all items to the seller
How Does it Work?

The process is simple:1. Purchase products that are part of our Local Returns service
2. If you are not satisfied with the products, please file a dispute
3. Reach a return agreement with the seller
4. Returns the items you ordered to our local warehouse
5. DHgate checks the returned items according to the returns listing
6. The seller confirms the returns
7. DHgate awards the refund


How do I return items to the local warehouse on DHgate?If you are not satisfied with the items you received, return them to our local warehouse using the following instructions:
1. Sign in and click “Return & Refund” in your account
2. Try to reach a return agreement with seller
3. Return the items to our local warehouse and provide a tracking number as instructed
4. When our warehouse receives the items we will check the returned items
5. We will release a refund to you after the returns are confirmed

What are the restrictions on Local Returns?

  • Currently Local Returns are only available to customers in the USA
  • The items that are returned must be part of our Local Returns service
  • The seller must agree with the returned items’ quantity
  • The delivery method chosen for return items must have a tracking number as used in services such as FedEx, UPS and USPS

How do I find items that joined the Local Returns service?Select the small box before “Local Returns” on search listing pages, and our system will list only products that are part of our Local Returns program.

For more information visit DHgate

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