Gracious Bridal Return Policy
Gracious Bridal Return Policy
At Gracious Bridal, we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. Our goal is to provide excellent products at a great price. However, if you are not satisfied, you may return the products to us for a full refund (see excluded items below).
You may return new, unopened items within 14 days of delivery for an exchange or full refund, less shipping cost. Please return items in their original condition and packaging. Please contact us within 14 days of receiving your order to receive a Return Authorization form. We will not accept any returns without a Return Authorization number. We must receive the return within 14 days from the day the return authorization was issued. We reserve the right to reject any returns or exchanges that do not meet these conditions.
Once the returned merchandise has been received, we will refund your payment less any shipping charges (shipping charges are non-refundable). If you received free shipping on your purchase, the cost of shipping incurred by Gracious Bridal will be deducted from your refund. Orders that receive free shipping may be charged for shipping if the customer returns any portion (or the entire order) of the purchase which causes total sales amount to fall below the required free ship rate.
For your protection, we suggest customers use reliable shippers, such as, UPS or FedEx, who have an online system to track packages. Please note that it takes us 3 to 5 business days to process returns once they arrive at our Customer Service Center. To obtain an Return Authorization form, please call 1-800-640-9122, Mon.-Fri., 8:30am to 4:30pm (CST) or email us at Please indicate your order number and specific items you are returning and the reason for the return or exchange.
Please note that some products are ineligible for return. These include the following: Personalized products, Perishables, Cameras and film products, Special orders, Custom-Made items, Food and Drink related items, Jewelry, Ribbons, Samples, Closeout items, any item with obvious signs of use.
Gracious Bridal will pay the return shipping costs if the return or exchange is a result of our error. Otherwise, the customer must pay all costs related to return shipping. After inspecting the returned merchandise, we will reimburse your credit card or Paypal account for the purchase price of the items, less the original shipping fee. When an order receives the free shipping promotion, the items returned are subject to the original shipping charge; therefore the refund will reflect the item price less the shipping fees. Customers must still pay for any return shipping when applicable.
All claims for damaged, defective or missing product(s) must be filed with Gracious Bridal within 72 hours of receiving your order. Please call our customer service department at 800-640-9122 (or 512-306-1267) to initiate a claim. Please note that Gracious Bridal is not responsible for missing packages and damaged products resulting from errors made by the shipping carrier. However, Gracious Bridal will be happy to assist you in filing a claim with the appropriate party. Please keep all products in their original packaging until the claim is settled.
For more information visit Gracious Bridal
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