
3Balls.Com Return Policy3Balls.Com-Return-Policy

Items returned must be in the same condition in which they were received in order to receive full credit. Items bought in “new” condition and then used, even just once, cannot be returned.

The only exception is for golf clubs. Golf clubs purchased in “New”, “Open Box, Canceled Orders” or “Like New” condition and then used can be returned, but will receive a reduced refund value. The reduced value will be determined after our inspection of the club to determine the level of use. You will be notified of the reduced refund value after inspection.

  1. You may return any item, with the exception of custom or personalized products, for any reason within 30 days of receipt of the product for a complete refund of the product price.
  2. The return shipping and/or pickup costs will be deducted from your merchandise credit or refund, except when the return is due to our error.
  3. Item must not be used nor altered and must include all inserts and accessories, if applicable.
  4. If the item has been used or is not in the same condition as it was sold, a 15% restocking fee may be applied or your return refused.

Refunds will be issued within 5-7 days of receipt and inspection of the items. If you paid for your order with a gift certificate and/or credit card or PayPal combination, the refund will be credited to the gift certificate first and the balance will then be refunded to the credit card or PayPal account.

International Returns

Returns outside the continental US are not eligible for a FedEx shipping label.

  • You are responsible for choosing a non-expedited international delivery service and for paying shipping costs.
  • You will receive a credit for your shipping costs if the return was due to a 3balls.com error.

Note: If a return is not due to an error, we will not cover your shipping costs.

Important: Please send us a copy of your shipping costs with your package.

For more information visit 3Balls.Com