Biblio Return Policy
Every book you buy on Biblio is backed by a 30 day return guarantee customers may return a book for a refund and/or exchange (if a copy is available from the bookseller) within the following terms and conditions:
Lost in Transit/Book Did Not Arrive:
If the order does not arrive within 7 business days of the estimated delivery date for domestic shipments, or within 14 business days of the estimated delivery date for international shipments, you are eligible for a full refund of the purchase price, including shipping costs. You must contact within 30 days of the estimated delivery date to initiate a refund for an order lost in transit.
Incomplete or Incorrect Address Provided by Customer/Unclaimed/Returned to Sender/Etc.:
If the book is returned to the bookseller for one of the above reasons, or a similar reason, the refund price will include the book price only. You must contact within 30 days of the estimated delivery date to initiate this refund.
Incorrect Book/Not as Described/Damaged Before or In Transit:
You are eligible to receive a full refund of the purchase price, including the original shipping costs, if your return is a result of an error on the bookseller’s part. Refunds on return shipping costs are at the discretion of the participating bookseller or To receive a refund, you must send the item directly to the bookseller within 30 days of the estimated delivery date, in the same condition in which it was received. Please be sure to contact before returning your item to the bookseller.
Changed Your Mind/Ordered the Wrong Title:
Many booksellers will accept returns from customers who placed an order incorrectly, or who have had a change of mind regarding an order. However, some of our booksellers do not accept returns for this reason. Please be sure to contact the bookseller and before returning your item to the bookseller. Depending on the bookseller’s policies, you may be able to send the book(s) to the bookseller within 7 days of the estimated delivery date to receive a refund of the book price only.