Return Policy
Thank you for your recent order. We are very sorry to hear that you are not happy with the item, however, we are happy to help you with your return and make it as easy as possible.
If, for any reason you are not happy with your purchase, please feel free to return the item/s in its original/unused condition within 30 days from your order date. Please use the original packaging. If it is not possible to use the original packaging than please do not fold, bend, roll, etc. the item/s to accommodate a smaller box. If damage occurs to the product during its return, the item will be returned to the customer and no credit will be given.
Please note: The irregularities and variations of color, shading and texture, and the imperfections (wrinkles, veins, scratches) are natural characteristics of leather and are authentic features of the grain. These irregularities add to its natural and unique beauty and in no way are to be considered defects or damages. No two items will be exactly the same – this is your best guarantee of its authenticity.
How to return your purchase:
Please email with your return request. A return authorization will be emailed to you within 24 hours (by end of day Monday if claim is submitted over the weekend). You can also call 201.503.0225 ext. 17 to obtain an RMA#.
If you have any questions regarding your return, please do not hesitate to call 201.503.0225 ext. 17 or email: Please let the customer service representative know that you are a customer and have your order number or invoice number ready.
Personalized goods are NOT RETURNABLE and will be returned to the customer. Clava will not accept returns of monogrammed/personalized goods for any reason other than manufacturer’s defect. . (Please refer to the Repair/Warranty Policies)
Used goods are NOT RETURNABLE and will be returned to the customer. Clava will not accept used goods for any reason other than manufacturer’s defect and this must be done within 30 days from order date. (Please refer to the Repair/Warranty Policies)
Upon inspection after receiving the return, credit will be given for the full amount of the item(s).
Credit will not be given without at least one of the following: original paperwork; copy of paperwork, order number and/or invoice number.
Please send the item(s) prepaid:
Attn: Returns – RMA# (enter number here)
223 S. Van Brunt St.
Englewood, NJ 07631
The Clava Crew
Please call 888.45.clava ext. 17 or email us at should you have further questions.
For more information visit
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