
Swap.Com Return PolicySwap.Com-Return-Policy

*NEW* Swap Savers

Swap Savers is a program we created to prevent more items from ending up in landfills. These items have reached our deepest discount levels available to assist in “saving them” and finding them a new home before we remove them from Swap.com and recycle via other means.These items are final sale, non-refundable, and non-returnable.



We want to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your order. Our return policy is simple:



  • Store Credit:  If your items do not fit or you changed your mind, you will get back the full amount you paid, excluding shipping, in the form of a Swap.com store credit. Also note that if you originally paid with store credits, your refund will be in the form of store credits no matter the reason for the return.  A Swap.com account is needed to receive Swap.com store credit, but setting it up is easy!
  • Refund to Original Form of Payment:  If the items you received were incorrect, damaged, missing, or not as we described them, then you’ll get a refund to the original form of payment, (starting with any store credit you utilized) — including the cost of shipping! The shipping cost refunded is proportional to order size; for example, if the order is 4 items and you return 2, you will get back 50% of the shipping cost.
  • Swap Saver FINAL SALE: Items labeled as Swap Saver are Final Sale and cannot be returned and will not be refundable.
  • Send It All Together with a Swap.com-issued label:  While Swap.com will accept all returns, we appreciate it when you group the items together in one shipment.  Please process all RMA’s for one order together, since we cover your cost of shipping items back.  The maximum RMA’s you may process for an individual order is three. While we will accept multiple RMA’s in one shipment, please ensure all items marked for return from each RMA are included in the same box.

Make sure to process your return by entering your Order ID above and obtaining and a pre-paid Swap.com-issued FedEx label. We cannot accept returns shipped by USPS or using a label not obtained from Swap.com.

NOTE:  If you utilize Klarna to pay for your items, your refund will be issued according to our Return Policy outlined above.  Regardless of the method of refund, as a buyer utilizing Klarna, you are still responsible for completing payments through Klarna. 

  • Consigner Refunds:  If you are selling items on Swap.com, rest assured that we assume responsibility for returned item(s). Swap.com consigners’ sales are not impacted by returns.

If you need assistance completing your return or have any questions, please contact customer service.

For more information visit Swap.Com